

Feedback informs our partnerships

Feedback informs our partnerships

As part of Landcom’s commitment to building stronger working relationships, we invited ORIMA Research to ask our stakeholders for feedback about their experience and expectations of working with us. We heard from nearly 100 stakeholders working across government and industry.

Pleasingly, the results are mostly positive and our performance and working relationships are generally seen to be strong. Views on our performance are consistent with what we heard in 2018 when we undertook similar research and our key relationship attributes have all improved over this time.

Since 2018, stakeholders have developed a more nuanced understanding of our role and have more varied expectations of us. Generally, they expect us to take
a leadership role to coordinate strategic and complex projects, showcase sustainable design innovation and address affordable housing.

What we heard

Generally, stakeholders said we’re performing well and that our performance in areas that are most important is strong.

Industry and local government stakeholders rated our performance more strongly than state government stakeholders.

Industry stakeholders told us we’re an effective interface for them with government.

Some state government stakeholders said they think that we should be more involved in housing and other policy.

How we’re responding

Collaborating - Reaching out to key state agencies
to discuss our role in whole-of-government policy processes and how they see us adding more value in terms of housing affordability, sustainability and design innovation.

Up-skilling - Building our internal capacity to share knowledge and showcase innovative affordable and diverse housing outcomes within the development industry.

Working together - Developing our relationship skills and embracing more coordinated approaches for working together. Our initial focus will be on strengthening our cooperation with key state agencies.

Communicating - Updating our communications to clarify our role and the social value we deliver on the ground through projects and dividends we pay to government.

Our relationships with stakeholders are key. This feedback reinforces our values-based approach to partnerships and helps us to better direct how and where we share information about our work. Our Homegrown Newsletter shares content of interest and relevance to our government, industry and other partners including what we are doing, how we are innovating and coming development opportunities.