Creating high quality public spaces and increased tree canopy
The pillars of Climate Resilient Places and Healthy & Inclusive Places in our sustainability strategy have a direct impact on public open and green spaces in our projects.
For example, Landcom uses the Green Star ‘Open Space’ standard as a benchmark for communities in relation to walkable access to green open space and diverse amenities. Landcom also adopts targets to reduce urban heat island effect across our communities, which helps to build resilience and mitigate extreme heat impacts. Canopy cover in private and open spaces is one of several reduction measures. Landcom consistently meets this target across all communities we design and deliver.
In 2021, Landcom’s Macarthur Gardens North project attained a 5 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia demonstrating our commitment to sustainable, environmentally sound and healthier developments. Some of the design features that contributed to the Green Star rating were the planned increase in tree canopy coverage, with over 56% coverage achieved (which exceeds the rating requirements). The project will also include design features such as the enhancement of an existing creek line, which will restore the creek and provide over 60% of the total site area as open space reserve along the riparian corridor. These measures not only enhance liveability but also contribute to reducing urban heat island effect.